Residents of the International Student House (ISH) have many opportunities to explore Washington, DC’s historic houses. On Sunday, August 10, the President Woodrow Wilson House, a site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, officially received a group of ISH residents. There, the residents learned about Woodrow Wilson’s personal life, as well as his presidential legacy. As resident Satoko Shimada put it, “The guide of the Woodrow Wilson House tour was very nice, and the tour was very informative. Moreover, the House was very beautiful. The guide answered our every question, from Wilson’s political achievements to his private life. Participating in this tour, we learned about his great contribution to world peace.”
Declaveillère Florence, an ISH resident from France who is completing an internship at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, arranged the visit. Her thoughts on the house were quite positive: “I really appreciated the visit with Barbara Slavin (an ISH board member). She took the time for our international group to explain the context of the house in American history and gave us multiple details about how the Wilson couple used to live in this house. My favorite rooms were the library for its special atmosphere with all the international objects gifted to the ex-president and the winter garden for his light and opened view to the garden.”
For interested residents who want to see this historical gem, there will be a vintage game night and happy hour at the President Woodrow Wilson House on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 from 5:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. Please visit their website for details and to purchase tickets.