A new year with new rounds and new opportunities, but before I focus on the new year, I want to look back on the previous one, where I met many people in the house, and have come to know more about myself.
One by one, the roommates started to leave the house in December. It was strange to see how a house with about 90 family members became empty so fast. The usually busy house that had become very cozy was deserted. Roommates went on vacation or permanently left to pursue their future elsewhere. In the beginning it was very strange, because you got used to the activity that went on in the house, and I especially, the social clown, had difficulty to walk around the empty house. Luckily, I was not alone and I could spend the holidays with the remaining housemates – the so-called leftovers.
It was not only remarkably quiet in the house, but also in the city. The busy city gave way to a small number of people, who this year decided to stay home for the holidays.
The group home has ensured that we could spend more time with each other, and to know each other better. It ended up being a great time and also nice for me to be here in the silence. During Christmas Eve, after my service at the front desk, I visited the St. Matthew Cathedral along with several residents for the night Mass. It was an impressive building with a lot of people. The atmosphere inside was beautiful with the singing of the choir in the background.
Now we are starting to have new housemates, since it is the first week of January. Once again it is nice to see how easy it is to get connected with each other. I look forward to spending my last three months with new roommates, new networks, new nationalities and new quality times. Through this way, I also want to welcome the new roommates – you’ll feel quite at home very fast and if not, let me know and we’ll make it feel like home together.
I would like to remind you on New Year resolutions. I hope you have thought about it seriously and try to reach your goal. You need to aim high to reach your dreams. My resolution is that I hope to be able to improve two languages by the end of this year: Spanish and Arabic. Next to this I am working on getting a scholarship so I can return in September 2015 and start my Master’s in International Law. Be aware new housemates; once you taste this environment, it’s really hard to let it go!
Now I see the new housemates and I realize how fast the time has flown. I’ve done a lot; rediscovered myself, and made my own horizon (being open minded). I hope to continue this experience that will never be forgotten…